

Handwork in Zebra

On Wednesday evening, the 23rd of October, ladies, who worked in ZGNL and now they are retired and ladies, who still work in ZGNL, gathered around the table and have some nice time together. At that occasion some beautiful things were made.

Travel Giude true Ljubljana City

On Friday, the 30th of August, we started a new school year in a very pleasant clime in the book shop and store Zebra Goes to the Moon. The student Nik Zupančič introduced his work: Travel Guide true Ljubljana City. Project work has been done for the final exam of his schooling on the School for the Deaf Ljubljana. It… Continue reading →


V četrtek, 20. Junija, smo s prijetnim druženjem ob glasbi zaokrožili še eno šolsko leto v knjigarni in trgovinici Zebra Gre Na Luno. Koncert sta nam podarila Daniel Eyer, klasični kitarist in Špela Girandon, flavtistka. Uživali smo ob  čudovitih ritmih skladbic z Kube, Italije in Francije. Po končanem programu smo se družili v krogu tistih, ki so nam skozi šolsko… Continue reading →

Easter is coming

There is that feeling in Zebra that Easter is coming.

Zebra Gre Na Luno

Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana