

Razstava 8. 6. 2023 ob 18. uri

Z veseljem vas vabimo na razstavo likovnih dela naših kolegic, strokovnih sodelavk. Slavka Ilich in Marina Švaglič sta umetnici že vse življenje. Šele upokojitev in novi izzivi z njo so prinesli pogoje, da sta umetnost izrazili tudi na likovnem področju, natančneje, na slikarskem platnu. Tudi Mateja Železnikar, ki je še aktivna v ZGNL, je tudi umetnica. Na slikarskih platnih je… Continue reading →


Four Tuesdays from last Tuesday on, we will have workshops in clay. Last Tuesday four ladies intended. They made some beautiful bowls and one cup for tea.

Zapoj v kretnji

  četrtek, 18. maja ob 18. uri. Vabljeni!


At Tuesday the 18th of April in the morning, the writer, illustrator and storyteller Miss Alenka Spacal meet with the pupils of 1nd class of the Primary school at ZGNL and provided them telling of story: pupils listened to the story and cooperate at the conversation about what had happened to the main protagonist and her emotions. After that they… Continue reading →

Zebra Gre Na Luno

Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana