

Family Upbringing

Today, on Thursday, 23rd of December, at 5 o’clock pm, I am going to have the lecture: Family upbringing. For holidays, which are coming, I would like to give some thoughts and tips, which could be useful for parents, relatives and friends, that our gathering with child are going to be without hard words and even harder fillings. Valerija

The Evening of Handicrafts

In the Book Shop and Store Zebra Gre Na Luno the Evenings of Handicrafts are going on, every second Thursday, at 6 o’clock pm. There are visitors who are fond of handicrafts. Products are for the offer of the store.

Pet Let knjigarne in trgovinice Zebra Gre Na Luno

V ponedeljek, 4. oktobra praznuje knjigarna in trgovinica Zebra Gre Na Luno 5. rojstni dan. Zaželimo ji vse najboljše.  Dan bo prazničen: sladko presenečenje za vse obiskovalce. Ob 17. uri bomo lahko prisluhnili strokovnemu predavanju na nadvse aktualno temo: Sledljivost ekoloških živil. Predavanje nam bo podarila Ema Lovšin, mag- inž- živil. Prisrčno vabljeni! Predavanju bo sledila zdravica.

The new book

  On Thursday, 27th of May 2021, there was beautiful and pleasant event at the Bookstore and Shop Zebra Gre Na Luno. We introduced a new book Neira the Zirafe Loking for Work. The book was made at The Institute for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ljubljana. The story has been written by Dea Černe, the educator at dormitory at… Continue reading →

Zebra Gre Na Luno

Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana